The Assembly was founded on Muslim Dosem 23 Sha’baan 1438 H/May 19, 2017 in the event Congress in Surabaya by Lecturers who scattered from all areas in Indonesia. It was founded by Assembly of the intentions and the same goal for muslim lecturer team together in Indonesia and Indonesia building world.
The results of the deal to formulate things mutually agreed which is then poured in the AD ART organization. Gradually and consistently, these standards become basic pored and ratified by the notary as a container. The legality of a bevy of Indonesia Muslim Professors is as follows.
The deed of Establishment of Muslim Professors Indonesia No. 128 Dated 14 September 2017
The legal position on JL. Clays Tama Surabaya 78 60216
TAX ID 83.045.476.5-604.000
DECREE No. Kemenkumham. AHU-0015304. Ah. 01.07 years 2017 about passage of the establishment of a legal entity a bevy of Indonesia Muslim Lecturer