Bersama membangun negeri untuk kesejahteraan dan kemajuan Bangsa
Indonesia Berakhlak, Mandiri, dan Maju

About DMI


Become a professional, nationalist and Islamic lecturer organization.


  1. Implement the Tri Dharma Higher Education (education, research and public service) who are able to improve the quality of life of Ummah.
  2. Build a partnership with all components, at the national and international levels, in order to maximize the potential of the Ummah.
  3. Increase the professionalism capacity of lecturers, foster a sense of nationalism and enhance the appreciation and Islamic practices.


  1. The spread of science, technology, arts and culture through the implementation of the Tri Darma Higher Education in order to embody the intellectual life of the nation and social welfare.
  2. Implementation of strategic studies to strengthen the Unitary Republic of Indonesia with a reflection Bhineka Tunggal Ika and the Islamic character.
  3. The realization of cooperation in various fields with all components of the nation at the national and international level to maximize the potential of Muslims.
  4. Increased professional capabilities and career lecturers.
  5. The realization of the welfare of Muslims and help solve problems faced by members in carrying out their noble duty to educate and improve the quality of life of the nation.

Nature, Characteristics, and Form

PDMI is a professional organization, expertise, and intellectuality, characterized by Islamic, scientific, artistic and cultural values, open, independent, and nurturing.

Form Of Organisation

  1. PDMI covers the entire area of the Republic of Indonesia with the central level, the Regional Level.
  2. The central level is the level of organization of the Center which covers the entire territory of the Republic of Indonesia.
  3. The Regional Level include provincial/territorial sub province and special foreign
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